Monday, January 9, 2012

You Get More Than Just A Little Help From Your Friends

You get more than just a little help from your friends, finds a new Brigham Young study-you get good health too, if you have the right ones.  A strong social network, especially one with healthy pals, improves your chance of living longer by 50%. It doubles your odds of surviving cancer and wards off colds.  That is good news for your mood and your body.  Supportive friendships can help you cope with stress, so you are less likely to suffer it's negative physical and emotional effects.

Breakfast at the Beach Club, a frequent happening.  Good food, good friends and you don't need a members only jacket.
It is fun to know our friends 'other friends' and family as they
come for a short vacation.  The interchange, conversations,
joking, reading good books together is part of our life here. 

A fun 'girl's trip' to the orchid farm.  Female friendships
are like no other, they are more open with verbal expression
of emotion, opinions and thoughts.  They are more one on
one with a sense of attachment.
An expression of friendship, orchids
for Isabel.
The gang is all here!!  Men see male friend-
ships as physically doing something together, view themselves as a 'team' with an exchange of
jokes and insults.

Sometimes we see far-off friends once
each year when they come for two weeks.
Gail Ryland with me and Inez, who I see

Lorena Mejia, our condo property manager,
and a friend of many years is always willing
to stop and help you with a computer problem
and her husband, Memo, is our favorite driver,
tour guide and advisor on everything from a
mechanic to buying a new cell phone.

A cocktail party to say hello to everyone
and a night of dancing at the El Oasis.
Bernardo and Thelma from Cuidad Guzman came to spend
the day and introduce us to Renata, lunch at the El Oasis.
A day trip to the water falls and a picnic
with Dick and Cheryl.  Beautiful scenery
with fried chicken, potato salad and a
good wine with good friends.

It is exciting to see everyone again,
after the months away from Mexico.
Notice how white everyone is
compared to later.

Harriet and Pam, connected.
You can feel the cheer or is it just the wine?
Good friends let you know that you are
Fun shopping with Cheryl in the
Saturday market.

Fun events, baking Christmas
cookies with Lorenita and Ana,
daughters of Lorena and Memo.

The deepest friendships have nothing
to do with proximity.  Manuel and Lidia
Hernandez with their granddaughter,
represent genuine affection and goodwill
in a friendship of many years.

Nicholas Christakis, professor at Harvard Medical School and
author of 'Connected' says "Human beings are hardwired for
emotional contagion."   It is wonderful to hear the laughter and 
see the enjoyment of these young people here with their family
for the holidays.  The Gould family at Christmas eve potluck at
the Sierra Madre pool palapa 

 Pizza party
at MJ and Tim's house on the beach.
The fun is contagious.

It is suggested to live close enough that
you regularly meet face-to-face with friends,
but this seems a little more than ...

The same study suggest that you should
feel free to ask small favors from a friend
such as picking them up at the airport, and
who makes more airport trips than Ray Grant,
(left) maybe Phil is a close 2nd.

Female friendships are unconditional, (we are all human and can't
always be perfect) loving, silly and safe. What is more fun than
a girl's lunch?

My friend, Connie and I chat through
18 holes of golf and catch up on family
and travels.
Truly happy to see each other. 
Inez with her daughter, Sherry and
granddaughter, McKenna.  The same
study suggest to long-distance loved
ones to try and connect in person at
least once each year.

Let's pass that little bundle around.
Friends make time for you, friends
make you laugh.

Nothing can bring your hearts together
like these little bundles of joy.

Spending time with a friend is a sweet
treat. Evan enjoying a ice cream sundae
at El Oasis. Evan is the youngest son of
Heather, Dick Eddy's daughter.

The annual 'Margarita Cup' held by Sierra Madre neighbors
and tennis players the last week of the year is fun.  We know
that exercise helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Lead study author, Julianne Holt-Lunstad, PhD says friends
may also reduce the risk and not having close bonds can be
as bad for you as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day.

This has been a busy but fun two months and I cannot believe that it has been that long since I posted to the blog.  You can see how we spend some of our time.  I have more post in draft form and hope they will be interesting as we visit plant nurseries and local cooks.